Patent Act Article 148May 1, 2019

Transitional provisions: patent term "With respect to a patent that is published prior to the implementation of the January 21, 1994, amendment of this Act, the patent term thereof shall be calculated in accordance with the Patent Act in effect prior to the 1994 amendment. However, for an invention patent that is still in force on the date when the WTO Agreement took effect in the territory of the ROC, the patent term thereof shall be governed by the amended Act. "For a utility model patent that is published prior to the implementation of the January 3, 2003, amendment of this Act, the patent term thereof shall be governed by the Patent Act in effect prior to the amendment. "For a design patent that is still in force on the date when the WTO Agreement takes effect in the territory of the ROC, the patent term shall be governed by the May 7, 1997, amendment of the Patent Act.

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