Company Act Article 168Aug. 1, 2018

A company shall not cancel its shares, unless a resolution on capital reduction has been adopted by its shareholders' meeting; and capital reduction shall be effected based on the percentage of shareholding of the shareholders pro rata, unless otherwise provided for in this Act or any other governing laws. "A company reducing its capital may return share prices (or the capital stock) to shareholders by properties other than cash; the returned property and the amount of such substitutive capital contribution shall require a prior approval of the shareholders’ meeting and obtain consents from the shareholders who receive such property. "The board of directors shall first have the value of such property and the amount of such substitutive capital contribution set forth in the preceding Paragraph audited and certified by a certified public accountant before the shareholders’ meeting. "Where a company cancels its shares in a manner in violation to the provisions set out in Paragraphs One to Three of this Article, the responsible person(s) of the company shall (each) be imposed with a fine in an amount not less than NT$ 20,000 but not more than NT$ 100,000.

Same Article Laws

Company Act Article 168-1Aug. 1, 2018

Where a company has a need to reduce and to increase it capital stock before the end of any fiscal year in order to offset its loss, the board of directors shall, at least 30 days prior to the convening date of the shareholders' meeting, forward the financial statements and a loss offsetting proposal to the supervisors for their auditing before submitting the audited version thereof to the shareholders' meeting for review and approval by a resolution.

In case the audited financial statements and the loss offsetting proposal are submitted to a special shareholders' meeting under the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the provisions of Articles 229 through 231 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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